This week-end I made a presentation about Matricultures and Climate Change Porosity at the CGCER conference in Edmonton. I am grateful for many inquiries and for support.
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This week-end I made a presentation about Matricultures and Climate Change Porosity at the CGCER conference in Edmonton. I am grateful for many inquiries and for support.
Memorable and warm greetings to you, Irene Friesen Wolfstone. It was a welcome and meaningful conversation we had during the 2017 CGCER Conference at the University of Alberta. I have adopted and continue to disseminate the use of the term “matriculture” as preferred to the use of ‘matrilineal’ and ‘matriarchal’, for the purpose of distinguishing our collective groundswelling work as transformative of the historical linear and ruling paternal colonial paradigms.
I have been crediting you for introducing the term to me face to face, and am grateful to have now found your academic genealogy. I have also downloaded and read your paper on “Sharing Economies and Indigenous Matricultures In the Land Now Called Canada”, and I am very happy to see you source from Betty Bastien, Kim Anderson, Makere Stewart-Harawira, Marx and Loney.
I have recently returned to academia to teach as a contract faculty member in Southern Ontario, and may incorporate your paper as reference to some of my teachings. I look forward to contributing to this growing body of work as ‘matriculturalists’, and to exchanging papers and experiences with you once again in the future. For the healing and restoration of all our relations. ~Kreisha/C. Oro/Otahkoipisstaakii
Thank you for you comment Kreisha. I wish you well in your work and hope you can use my recently published book chapter in your teaching. Another publication on this important topic is in progress.