2 – Do curricula include adaptations to past climate change events?
- Finding: Curricula are silent on adaptations to past climate change events.
- Detailed finding: Manitoba and Ontario Grade 12 curricula are silent on adaptive strategies implemented by past cultures (i.e., deurbanization). Curricula are also silent on maladaptations that caused cultures to collapse during past climate change events.
- I concluded that curricula does not prepare youth to design climate change adaptations based on what worked in the past.
- Implications: If curricula are silent on adaptations to past climate change events, then youth lack knowledge to design climate change adaptations based on past successes in adaptation. If curricula are silent on maladaptations, then youth lack knowledges to avoid repeating the mistakes made in the past.
For more detail, follow this link: https://athabascau.academia.edu/IreneFriesenWolfstone or read my doctoral dissertation.