Yesterday I completed my six-year learning journey with University of Alberta and obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. I am proud to provide a link to my dissertation titled “Indigenous Conditions for Cultural Continuity: Designing Local Climate Change Adaptations in the Pluriverse” https://era.library.ualberta.ca/items/7f711cfc-cda7-49fb-b8f0-7348e6382b77. Today I started rebuilding this website to reflect my learnings and my areas of specializations: climate justice, local climate change adaptations, matricultures, and climate literacy. I will also post more of my published work on my academic site: https://athabascau.academia.edu/IreneFriesenWolfstone.
Photo credit: Shaun Thompson, taken Nov 22 at sailboat beach in Pinawa.
Thank you Lyndon
Congratulations Dr. Wolfstone!!! I can remember when you first started exploring this learning adventure. You didn’t just talk about it, you dove in and did it!!! Amazing woman!!!
Thank you Val. I am like my mother. Not stubborn. Just determined!
I hope you are keeping well.
Congratulations, Dr. Wolfstone! I look forward to reading your dissertation. The world needs your wisdom and knowledge more than ever now. With every possible good wish,
Colleen French
Thanks Colleen. I welcome your comments on my dissertation after you have read it, particularly on Part Two which is written in non-traditional format as learning modules. Good life to you! Irene
Congratulations Auntie! Proud of you.
Thank you Rose