How can educators prepare youth to become designers of local climate change adaptations?
Curricular gaps on climate literacy are significant. Public demand and political will are required to address the curricular gaps. In provinces with conservative governments that are aligned with Big Oil, it may be challenging to find the political will to develop curricula for climate literacy. Big Oil invests in climate disinformation as a strategy to protect their profits by seeding climate change denial and apathy. I believe that the driver for curricular change must be youth themselves, and their parents and teachers.
Until curricula are revised, this website provides a space for climate literacy through informal learning. “Informal” signifies a way of learning knowledges in ways that intentional and self-directed. Informal learning can address the knowledge gaps about climate change adaptation, regenerative cultures, and other topics that are subjugated and suppressed by the hegemonic education systems, which is designed to reproduce Modernity.